Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I've been waiting all month for this!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

sequencer update!

posible panel layout:

some wiring:

Get LoFi Sequencer!

I'm atill waiting on some parts for the SN module. In the mean time I got my blast fed disaster up and running! Gonna change some things around, and possibly get more range out of it. But for now, I'm working on a simple control voltage sequencer.

My sequencer is based on the project available from . It's designed to trigger circuit bent toys and the like. It's pretty awesome. My project has ben layed out so anyone can do it on strip(ver0) board if they want. Its not working yet but I think I have an idea whats going on.

If your here, make sure you check out the GetLoFi website!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

the voice

My tape organ has been kludging about, so I decided to throw it on the back burner while I concentrate on my SNvoice. I Populated the board today, check it out:

Just need to order a handfull of parts and make a face plate. Notice the old school, can-package super mached transistor pair! Get Psyked!